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Monday, 7 May 2012

How to Prevent Dengue: An Overview of Dengue Fever

How to Prevent Dengue: An Overview of Dengue Fever: Whenever the scorching sunlight strikes on your head, you wish to sodden in rain of monsoon that used to kicked the worst feeling of heat and sweating of summer. As, monsoon make you feel good and allured but in the mean time pushed up so many diseases. In this post we are going to discuss about how can we prevent dengue. Almost many among us become scared when they become acqainted that Dengue affects their locality and environment. But you don't have to become worry anymore. I am here to help you and going to provide some effective ways to prevent dengue which eventually lets you to check and control spreading dengue to your home as well as your environment and keep you and your locality secured.

So, before we proceed further and take a look over ways to prevent dengue let me present some common FAQs and brief overview on Dengue, its etiology, Dengue Symptoms and Dengue Fever.

What is Dengue?

The first symptom occured with Dengue is Fever. It is referred as as a disease caused by Flavivirus belongs to Flaviviridae family. What does the Dengue actually means? The term "Dengue" is derived from Spanish phrase "ki denga pepo" means "cramp-like seizure" caused by an evil spirit.

Dengue Fever is very identical to chikungunya and occurs epidemically in the tropical and subtropical regions. Sometimes, it also tends patients to suffer with severe muscle and joint pains experiencing worst feeling like his/her bones are breaking, hence the name has been also coined as "breakbone".

It’s a disease of tropical and subtropical regions that occurs epidemically, very much similar to chikungunya.
The illness of Dengue is self-limiting usually last upto 10 days, but it could take as long as one month for complete recovery.

How Dengue Spreads?

Dengue Fever is non-communicable diseases which stands for not an airborne infection (the infection wouldn't transmit to another person through infected person but act as a potential source for dengue virus for mosquitos for almost 6 days from the onset of symptoms).
Likewise malaria, a human being is infected with Dengue virus thruough mosquito bites. This mosquito is not common mosquitoes which are seen in our home, but it belongs to a specific species of Aedes aegypti (but frequently Aedes albopictus) that usually bites in morning hours. This specific mosquito transmit Dengue virus in very dramatical way. Firt it bites an Dengue virus infected person and then biting else.

The incubation period (it is the period from infection to onset of symptoms) of Dengue disease is generally 4 to 6 days but likely to vary from 3 to 14 days. However, it is referred as carrier borne infection as mosquito carries the virus and supposed to cause Dengue Fever.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Genrally, the symptoms of typical dengue initiate with fever which eventually occur within 4 to 6 days in someone after bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito. However, the symptoms occurs is likely to be identical with chikungunya and incorporate the following:

  • High-grade fever
  • Severe headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sever muscle and joint pain
  • Bleeding from gums, nose or under the skin that causes purplish bruises.
  • Skin Rash - Generally the rash appears as red color spots on the skin after 3 to 4 days onset of fever.

Classification of Dengue Severity

Basically the severity of Dengue has been recognized as following:

  • Grade I: Fever and constitutional symptoms
  • Grade II: Spontaneous  bleeding from gums, skin or gastrointestinal tract and Grade I
  • Grade III: Grade II with circulatory failure and agitation
  • Grade IV: profound shock

Moreover, in distinct geographical location Dengue is also known by other terms including Aden fever, breakbone fever, date fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, solar fever, polka fever and many more. So, if you or your known to suffer any such kind of symptom, consult your doctor and ask for diagnosis. It can be diagnosed by blood examination to detect the antibodies might be present against virus (antigen).

How to Prevent Dengue

  • You can avoid mosquito bites through various methods like employing mosquito repellent constituting picaridin (KBR3023), DEET or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  • Don't allow stagnant water in your home as well as in your locality as these are perfect breeding spots for mosquitoes.
  • Don't allow water to congregate in open containers as well as keep all water containers covered with lids.
  • Check mosquito entry into your home and thus in your living room by keeping door closed and screened window.
  • Prefer to wear more protective outfits like long trousers, long-sleeved shirts as well as shoes and socks in outdoor.
  • Use mosquito nets in bedroom.
  • Always attempt to knock loose the eggs of Aedes aegypti through cleaning and scrubbing the margins of containers.

However, Dengue causing mosquitoes used to bite during the day, therefore, you are supposed to employ special precautions during early morning and late afternoon before night. Also, the vaccine for dengue Flavivirus is not commercially available still.  Dengue fever can be treated effectively if treated on time. Hence, in the case seek immediate medical counselling.

Sarfraz Chisty

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Colorful Snakes: A Must See Collection of Colorful Snakes

Colorful Snakes: A Must See Collection of Colorful Snakes: Perhaps any one would be there who doesn't see snakes, but undoubtedly photo of snake. Whenever the word "Snake" strike your ear, it tends to make you react more exponentially. However, you can designate diversified categories of snakes throughout their distinct natural habitat. Many of us became scared as well as even some of them hold back to see the photo of snake.

However, a large extent of species of snake exist on the earth. Verily, you didn't see all of them but might be you have seen such snakes photo you never seen in real. So, below I am presenting an awesome snake photo gallery from their natural habitat like hunting, sleeping etc. So check out this snake photo gallery and immerse in yourself.

Specious Peace
Specious Peace
author: Ingo Dumreicher


author: kuntha

Boiga Cyanea Baby

Boiga Cyanea Baby
author: Henrik Vind

Something that the Cat brought In


author: Geza Farkas

Green Mamba

Green Mamba
author: wosch

ll Wound Up

ll Wound Up
author: Bob Mumford

Leptophis Ahaetulla, Parrot Snake

Leptophis Ahaetulla, Parrot Snake
author: Michael Kern

Boomslang Catch

Boomslang Catch
author: greg du toit

Nice to Sssssee You!

Dont Mess with Me

Dont Mess with Me
author: Angi Nelson

Who Killed 500px

Who Killed 500px
author: Mark Johnson

Adder in Mid Strike

Adder in Mid Strike
author: Dale Sutton


author: Aurel Manea

Asian Vine Snake

Asian Vine Snake
author: Mark B Bartosik

Big Catch…

Opportunistic Landing

Opportunistic Landing
author: Robin Moore

Ssssooo Nice To Meet You!

Ssssooo Nice To Meet You!
author: Mark Alcock

Snake Eye

Snake Eye
author: Wolf Ademeit


author: UweMattern

Snake Eye

Snake Eye
author: Henrik Vind

Atheris Squamigera

Snake Fangs


Green Tree Python

Cerastes Cerastes

Cerastes Cerastes
author: Jan Miracký

Squirel’s End

Striking Pose

False Cobra

False Cobra
author: Seth Patterson

Green Tree Python Juvenile

Green Tree Python Juvenile
author: Henrik Vind

The Cheeky Red One

The Cheeky Red One
author: Angi Nelson

Snake Vs Catfish

Snake Vs Catfish
author: Steve Creek

Don’t Look Now…

Do not Look Now...
author: Jerry Harwood

Eating My Lunch

Eating My Lunch
author: Henry Sudarman

Lunch Time

Lunch Time
author: Laura Hammett


Show Me Your Teeth

Show Me Your Teeth
author: Mika Wasabi

Chilling Out

Chilling Out
author: Giovanni Go

My Friend the Snake!

My Friend the Snake!
author: Emanuel Lonz

Boo Berry Eating

Boo Berry Eating
author: the-shiznite


author: Antonio Da Cruz

Cottonmouth, North Carolina

Cottonmouth, North Carolina
author: Jarde Skye

Brown Vine Snake, Panama

Brown Vine Snake, Panama
author: Andrew Carrano

Green Snake on a Branch


author: Henry Sudarman


author: Henrik Vind

Rainforest Hog-Nosed Pit-Viper

Rainforest Hog-Nosed Pit-Viper
author: Barry Hovland

Threat Display

Threat Display
author: Craig Leach

Yearling Green Tree Python

Yearling Green Tree Python
author: Craig Leach

Wine Snake

Wine Snake
author: Anand Sawant

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