Thursday, 10 January 2019

9 Benefits of Empowering Your Business With Trademark Registration

Give up the agonizing elements of using your business name by other companies with patent and trademark registration. 

Yes, to protect your product and services from fraudulent use you may go for utility model protection with excellent design patent services. 


Image Source: registrationgalaxy

This eventually averts other companies legally from reproducing or selling products and services under your trademark. A myriad of benefit is over there being articulated in the post. So, before we proceed ahead, you should know what a trademark registration is exactly. 

In general, a trademark is a “logo” or “brand” and the business name, tagline, phrases or captions that can be reserved for sole use by ‘trademark registration’. HP, Coca-Cola, and Adidas indicate the goods origin and quality for example. 


Image Source: yourarticlelibrary

Now take a look at distinct advantages you can avail for your business, products, and services. 

1. Stopover other agencies from using identical brand name or marks even at first place. This makes availability search of trademark easy and convenient. 

2. Prevent registration of similar or confusing marks trademarks. The office cites the name and existence before registration against the application. If it appears confusing or matches with similar marks deny to grant registration and suggest to use a unique name. 

Image Source: taxadvocateindia

3. It’s the international patent age. You must reveal the geographic area of using the trademark. Be known that an identical mark may be used in another geographic region causes confusion in case of business expansion. Validation is an example to protect copyright for expansion.

4. Circulate a notification nationwide towards ownership of the mark registration with date and other details. This prevents claiming of subsequent adoption of the same mark by other agencies. 

5. Obliges the exclusive ownership and validity of the trademark for the goods and services proclaimed in the registrations application. 


Image Source: abcattorneys

6. You can use ® symbol for the goods and services listed in the registration with patent registration services. The unregistered products may be suffixed with “TM” superscript. This lets your customer and rivals noticed that you are conscious to protect your rights. 

7. Ensure the right to prosecute in federal court for fraudulent cases, damage to the brand, attorney fees, including monetary recovery. 

8. Enables to demonstrate an actual or reputation harm to your business in case of counterfeiting. You can avail the monetary reward in this direction too. 

9. Endow a base for overseas registration ensuring the protection of the marks when you expand your business worldwide. 


Finally, these are some significant advantages you can reserve for your business, goods, and services. However, the trademark registration is not a matter of hassles and doesn’t require any efforts. 

So, in lack of ado take your first step for trademark registration for your business before other companies steal your favorite mark. 

About the Author

Sarfraz Shah Alam is a certified content marketer. He is digital media enthusiast. He writes to list the tips and tricks as well as uncover the secrets subject to his interests, knowledge and experience. 

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